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The Ron M. Landsman Charitable Fund




The Ron M. Landsman Charitable Fund


Applications will be accepted in January, April, July, October

Families, Individuals, and Organizations


This program is open to the public as well as Vinner Trust Beneficiaries. If you are or know of:


  • a person with a disability who meets the qualifications for public benefits, or

  • a non-profit organization serving people with disabilities in the District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia, we encourage you to apply.​



Families and Individuals

The Charitable Fund [a benevolent arm of Shared Horizons, Inc.] provides funding to people with disabilities who qualify for public benefits and need help purchasing goods and services not covered by Medicaid.  We are particularly interested in funding goods, experiences, and services that help families meet the needs of loved ones whose educational, fitness, and social activities have been negatively affected by the pandemic. 


For more assistance, call Quintina Hampton at 202-448-1460 x.113 or send email to


Organizations serving people with disabilities

We provide funding to organizations serving people with disabilities in the DC region. Our focus this year is helping organizations offer programming that allows them to reach the people they serve in a virtual environment. While all organizations are welcome to apply, we strongly encourage organizations serving under-privileged communities to apply.


For more assistance, call Tresa Welch at 202-448-1460 x.101 or send email to


In 2014, Shared Horizons' Board of Directors launched the Charitable Fund. The original idea was to provide funds for people with disabilities in need of goods and services not covered by public benefits. Since then, the organization has expanded its reach to allow organizations serving people with disabilities to apply for grants.




Click here to access the application for Individual or Organizational requests.




You can help us enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities by donating now!




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